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A new direction: the addition of Diabetes to our allergy-free kitchen

11:18 AM

Never a dull moment around here. The development of my husband becoming an insulin-dependant diabetic over the last 2 months has been what's led me to slow down in my blogging... or, at least has been a cause for some re-direction and introspection. More whole foods, more exercise, less sugar.  I know how to do healthy.  I even know, from experience, how to control ( my own gestational variety) diabetes through carb counting and diet.  This is not a foreign topic to me.  It is, nevertheless, life-altering.  And certainly routine/recipe altering.  We are hoping that this will not be a permanent state of affairs, but until things settle down a bit around here we'll be cooking and eating with these guidelines in mind, and the blog is going to reflect it. Dairy and Corn free, of course.

Stay tuned!

Here's some artwork while you're waiting:

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